Why is my Polar Heart Rate monitor not working properly?

For use with the Keiser M3i Indoor Bikes and Polar Heart Rate Monitor.

  1. You'll need to download the polar beat app to activate the Gymlink setting on the Polar H10 chest strap.
  2. Will the HR strap get noticed on the Polar Beat App?  If so, we'll send a replacement display. If not, the electro pads on the strap have failed.  You can get a replacement strap from Walmart for under $10.
  3. Remove the two small screws on the back of the display cover. Remove the display cover. Pull the red/black wires to the side away from the center. See the pictures attached.  I pull them to the top right corner. If this does not resolve the issue then the display will need to be replaced
**The Polar H1 will only display heart rate on the M3I display because it is not Bluetooth. If you were wanting your heart rate to display onto an app you would need a Heart Rate monitor that is capable of giving off a Bluetooth signal, like the H10.